Friday, November 28, 2008

Today is an annual international day of protest against fur. Even tough everyday is fur free, today will be official.

Fur is bad for so many reasons but I've compiled the top 5 (in no particular order) of why I'm against it:

5. On average it takes about 120 dead animals to make one fur coat. That's 120 lives that ended brutally so I could wear a something that makes me look like a complete douchebag.

4. Fur production is BAD for the environment. I like to think of myself as a steward of the earth and fur production uses 15 times more energy than faux-fur production (link).

3. Animals are gentle and caring and don't hurt anyone else unless threatened. The fur industry uses the sweetest animals for skinning (link).

2. No federal humane slaughter law protect animals in fur factory farms so owners are allowed to get away with some of the most gruesome and sadistic acts imaginable. Animals are killed with poison, gas, anal electrocution, neck breaking, and are often skinned alive (link).

1. I love my cat. Thousands of dogs and cats are made into the fur coats and trims that are sold around the world. If the fur is sold below a hundred dollars, manufacturers are not mandated to say wear the fur came from. Often times the pelts of dogs and cats are labeled faux fur (link).

Please speak out and help stop this horrible practice. Check out this website for more information of what Fur Free events are happening in your area today.

Please take to time to send this video to friends and family to remind them of the cruelty and inspire them to change.