Friday, November 28, 2008

Many people see food as simply 'something to eat' but Isa Chandra Moskowitz sees the perfect dish as a work of art. Isa has published three of the most renowned vegan cookbooks in the history of vegan cooking, Vegan with a Vengence, Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World, and Veganomicon. This culinary god honed her skills working with Food Not Bombs in New York serving delicious vegan food to low-income and homeless people.

Isa's books are written with incredible voice. When you read her work it feels like an old friend is explaining her secret recipe. One of my favorite things about her recipes is that they leave a lot of wiggle room. You don't have to put in exact measurements of everything, she encourages you to leave stuff out or put new stuff in as you see fit.

I was privileged enough to see Isa speak at Portland's Let Live Conference and it was amazing. It was just like her books, equal parts comedy to equal parts food with a pinch of 'f@ck the system.' She speaks on the concept of 'culinary outreach'. Culinary outreach is cooking amazing vegan food for other people to encourage them to become vegan. A lot of people avoid vegetarianism/veganism because they don't know what they would be able to eat. When someone asks 'what can you actually eat?' or the infamous 'where do you get your protein?' instead of rolling your eyes bake a cupcake. Giving people vegan food that they enjoy turns disbelievers into advocates. It may not change someone's dietary choices but it might get them to shut up and stop dissing veganism to other people and that's worth something too.

Isa's books are essential for any vegan library. If you're not into buying the books, check out her website Post Punk Kitchen for free stuff.