Monday, November 24, 2008

Wanna be Eco-friendly this winter? WEAR FUR! The FCC or Fur Council of Canada is marketing this masochistic 'fashion' as this winter's hottest eco-trend. There campaign is in full force to convince people that fur is the oldest and most popular form of environmentalist fashion (link).

I feel like I'm in an alternate universe. This is the strangest marketing strategy I've ever seen. Check out these adds below to really be tripped out. I cant believe they used a picture of a guy roasting something that looks like a head in an ad for environmentalism.

My favorite quote from the website is this :

"fur also makes sense if we want to protect nature."
WTF! This is a perfect example of saying the opposite of what is actually true and hoping people believe it. Their website should have said:
"Research shows that most animals prefer to be anally electrocuted and skinned alive
rather than live out a full and happy life in the wild."

To quote a devote student of the fur trade Adolf Hitler, "in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility."

Please get informed about this issue of "green washing" the fur industry. Don't believe the lies.
Go to to learn more

Do you think that fur is 'green'?


Unknown said...

I notice that you don't refute the environmental impact of the fur industry, but just cite it's unethical nature.

Your argument is incomplete and misleading.