Friday, December 5, 2008

The UN supports veganism
The New York Times reports that based on recommendations made by the UN, ministers will meet in Poland from 187 nations to discuss a new treaty on global warming focusing on harmful environmental effects of meat and dairy production.

This weeks' meeting is important in part, because leaders hope to develop strategies to curb emissions such as global
promotion of a more vegan lifestyle. They are also debating the placement a “sin tax” on pork and beef. Going Vegan reduces more greenhouse gases than switching to a hybrid car not to mention the thousands of lives you save.

The United Nations estimates that 18% of all global warming emissions come from livestock. In countries like Brazil, Australia and New Zealand, meat production accounts for well over 50% of all harmful emissions. The Times reports that producing a pound of beef creates 11 times as much greenhouse gas emission as a pound of chicken and 100 times more than a pound of carrots.

An increase in production also means that more of the
Earth's rainforests are slashed and burned to make room for livestock. The rainforests of South America in particular have been called "the lungs of the earth" because of their role in replenishing our air supply; their survival is directly linked to our own.

I want to personally thank the UN and all the world leaders that have finally decided to listen to what animal/environmental rights advocates have been saying for years. So if you haven't already, go vegan (or at least vegetarian) and save the planet.