Friday, December 5, 2008

Friday Vegan Spotlight

Josh Harper is an animal activist from the Northwest that has been sentenced to 3 years in federal prison for "free speech." Josh spoke out for the animals by talking about a tactic known as "black faxing." Black faxing essentially drains its victim of all the toner in their fax machine. Josh was convicted under the Animal Enterprise Protection Act which can put animal activists away for speaking out against the animal industry.

Josh was never convicted of an illegal act. Josh was convicted for talking about an illegal act. Black faxing used to be thought of as a prank but if your an animal activist, black faxing can be considered terrorism. Animal/environmental activists have been moved to the #1 spot on the domestic terrorist watch list, and are more prominent on the FBI's website than Osama bin Laden.

Josh spoke for those who had no voice and he paid the price. The US has not stifled the problem of vocal animal activists they have only created heroes and martyrs. From what i can tell, Josh used to be the average Joe; now he's a symbol. Josh stood by his belief in what was right and it will serve as inspiration for the movement forever.

I wish I could say this case is unique, but it's not. There are dozens of other activists that have been locked away. Caged like the animals they seek to protect. We understand what you've given for the cause and we will never back down, we will never compromise.

Please take the time to write Josh and the other prisoners and let the know you care.