Saturday, December 13, 2008

gross disgusting meat burger
Nonprofit organization, The Cancer Project, has published their "Top Five WORST Value Menu Items" list for 2008. Not surprisingly, all the foods listed contain processed meat and are from fast food restaurants. The Cancer Project is also affiliated with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, which aggressively promotes a vegetarian diet.

Without further ado, here are the "Top Five" or should we say "Bottom Five:

1) Jack in the Box’s junior bacon cheeseburger topped the list as the worst offender. The burger costs just one dollar but is packed with 23 grams of fat, including 8 grams of saturated fat, 55 milligrams of cholesterol and 860 milligrams of sodium and just one gram of fiber.

2) second-worst place, the 89-cent Taco Bell cheesy double beef burrito, with 460 calories, 20 grams of fat and a whopping 1,620 milligrams of sodium.

3) In third-worst place was the one-dollar Burger King breakfast sausage biscuit, with 27 grams of fat, including 15 grams of saturated fat and over 1,000 milligrams of sodium.

4) Fourth worst went to the one-dollar McDonald’s McDouble, which contains 19 grams of fat and 65 milligrams of cholesterol.

5) Last, and least-worst, was the Wendy’s junior bacon cheeseburger, for $1.53, with 310 calories and 16 grams of fat.

Vegan food is the healthier diet because most vegan foods are low in fat and high in fiber. ALL vegan food in cholesterol free because cholesterol is only found in other animals.

In the short term, it may seem expensive or time consuming to eat vegan but groups like the Cancer Project have all shown that vegans and vegetarians have less cancer and other health problems.

The little extra time money spent eating vegan now may keep you from going bankrupt becasue of cancer treatment in the future.

Bon Apatite!